Fall Table Décor with La Crema Pinot Noir

Looking to autumn-ize your home? Here’s an idea for a decorative table setting that captures the cozy comfort of fall.

We set out to create the perfect fall soiree with La Crema Sonoma Coast Pinot Noir as our muse. We wanted something rustic but eye catching for the décor and a delicious medley of small bites for our guests to enjoy.

Taking a hint from the deep purple of the Pinot Noir, we blended mauve, orange and purple flowers in our burlap wrapped arrangements. Guests enjoyed dark purple grapes, red pears, wild mushroom brie, fresh bread and of course La Crema wines.

DIY Time

We went in search of the perfect striped table runner to add graphic interest to our table setting and couldn’t quite find what we were looking for at stores or online.

Of course our motto is “if you can’t find it, make it”, so we picked up a burlap table runner at the local Targét, a can of black spray paint, and some painters’ tape to create our own.

To add dimension to our table we took three La Crema wine bottles and wrapped them in twine, not only was it a great way to recycle used bottles but it looked beautiful. Every table setting needs some sparkle so we used our favorite mercury glass votives (buy them here) to create ambiance.

More in this Series:

DIY Yarn Wrapped Wine Bottles.
DIY Striped Table Runner.

(We are thrilled to introduce our La Crema fans, followers, and readers to Jessica Nicolls and Karyn Frazier. This dynamic duo comprises Bungalow 56, an Event Planning & Design Firm located in Coronado, CA. Each month, they will be sharing tips, tricks and fun DIY projects designed to help transform your gatherings into memory-making moments.)



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