Jasmine White Wine Poached Pears

Hi everyone! This is Gab from Artful Desperado. Today I have a fantastic dessert recipe that’s perfect to welcome warm spring days and the bounty of produce that comes with them.

Jasmine White Wine Poached PearsPoached pears are one of my favourite desserts! They’re super easy to make and tasty as heck. For this version I used La Crema Sonoma Coast Chardonnay which has a very nice acidity that pairs well with the sweetness of the fruit and the floral notes of the jasmine tea.

Ingredients for the Jasmine White Wine Poached Pears poaching liquid.

Ingredients for the Jasmine White Wine Poached Pears poaching liquid.

You can serve these pears as is (with some of their poaching syrup), or you can add a scoop of vanilla ice cream, because… do I need to explain why? Yah, didn’t think so.

Here’s how to make them:

Jasmine White Wine Poached Pears

Prep time: 
Cook time: 
Total time: 
Serves: 6


  • 6 small pears (3-4 if they’re huge), peeled. * See note below
  • 3/4 cup granulated sugar
  • 1 vanilla bean, split in half
  • 1 cup La Crema Sonoma Coast Chardonnay
  • 1 cup water + more to poach
  • 2 tea bags jasmine tea
  • Edible flowers for garnish (optional)


  1. Place the wine, 1 cup of water, sugar, vanilla, and tea in a heavy bottom pan (big enough to snuggly fit all the pears) over medium heat. Bring to a simmer and let the flavours infuse the liquid for about 5 min. Remove tea bags at this point.
  2. Once infused, carefully place the pears in the liquid and add just enough water to cover the pears. Poached them for about 20-30 min (depending on how big they are). To test doneness insert a knife in the pear, if it goes in easy they’re ready, if you hit a hard spot, keep poaching. Keep in mind that pears will continue to cook for a bit while they cool down, do don’t over do it or they’ll get mushy.
  3. Gently remove poached pears from liquid and set aside. Leave liquid on the pot and simmer on medium-low heat for about 15 minutes or until it has reduced by half and looks syrup-y. Add an extra splash of wine and simmer for 2 more minutes. Remove from heat.
  4. * I chose a few pear varieties to mix the flavor profile. Bosc are always a safe bet, just make sure to choose hard pears and not ripe or you’ll end up with puree. If your pears are way too big to fit the pan, you can cut them in half and arrange them to fit.

Plate poached pears and drench them in syrup, garnish with edible flowers and serve. Easy!

The syrup reduction on the poached pairs adds an extra depth of flavor

These pears are a total hit for dinner parties and I love how they look when you serve them; rustic and delicious!

Simple and delicious Jasmine White Wine Poached Pears

Enjoy and cheers to the new season! Make sure to stop by The Artful Desperado some time and say hello, yes?


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Can a dessert be decadent and healthy? It can if it's Jasmine White Wine Poached Pears. Check our the recipe from our friend, the #artfuldesperado



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